Jumat, September 09, 2011

Daftar ISP di Indonesia (Internet Service Provider)

Berikut di bawah adalah daftar ISP Se Indonesia

1.Telkomspeedy www.telkomspeedy.net
Penyedia Layanan oleh PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia

2.biznet www.biznetnetworks.com
Penyedia Layanan oleh PT. Bitnet Komunikasindo

Penyedia Layanan oleh PT. Cyberindo Aditama

4.Uninet www.uninet.net.id
Penyedia Layanan oleh PT. Uninet Media Sakti

5.Fastnet www.firstmedia.com
Penyedia Layanan oleh PT. First Media Tbk.

6.Indosat www.indosat.com
Penyedia Layanan oleh PT Indosat tbk

7.XL www.xl.co.id
Penyedia Layanan oleh PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk

8.Three www.three.co.id
Penyedia Layanan oleh PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications

9.Axis www.axisworld.co.id
Penyedia Layanan oleh PT. Axis Media

10.Smart www.smart-telecom.co.id
Penyedia Layanan olehPT SMART Tbk

11.esia www.esia.co.id
Penyedia Layanan oleh PT Bakrie Telecom tbk

12.Fren www.mobile-8.com
Penyedia Layanan Internet Oleh PT Global Mediacom Tbk
dari ke 12 yang saya tampilkan adalah isp yang terkenal (famous) di indonesia

dan sisanya beberapa isp adalah sebagai berikut:
ACCES.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 526 8777
BIT.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 3903939
CENTRIN.NET Bandung (022) 4220818
CENTRAL.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 23550170
COMMERCE.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 8312222
DNET.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 5727218
ELGA.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 7821962
IDOLA.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 2302345
INDO.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 5760925
INFOASIA.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 6321883
INSPRINT.NET Jakarta Timur (021) 4712231
ITB.NET Bandung (022) 2512982
JAS.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 3916280
PRIME.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 2300960
MELSA.NET Bandung (022) 4209418
MITRA.NET Surabaya (031) 8415678
PACIFIC.LINK Jakarta (021) 5262627
PRIMA.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 5205151
RAD.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 5221622
SAT.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 79196345
SIG.NET Jakarta (021) 5764040
SISTELINDO.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 52899300
SPOT.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 6345005
UB.NET Jakarta (021) 5483008
VISION.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 42880238
WASANTARA.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 3521793
ESTIKO.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 7668899
LINK.NET Tanggerang (021) 5516161
PESAT.NET Jakarta (021) 5762292
SOLUSI.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 7945301
REACH.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 574146
GLOBALXTREME.NET Malang (0341) 562000
COMMSAT.NET Jakarta Barat (021) 5444730
EZY.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 83793702
NTT.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 5727777
NEXCOM.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 79195119
COMNET.NET Jakarta Timur (021) 4756788
SPEED.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 3900828
THE.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 5269988
NUSA.NET Medan (061) 4158806
PATRA.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 3521915
NAWALA.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 5157768
CIRCLEONE.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 5155555
NEUVIZ.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 2528888
IPNET.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 5275070
CITY.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 3448848
BIZ.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 5708888
GIGA.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 5279901
TRIPLEGATE.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 3155613
JETCOMS.NET Jakarta Barat (021) 5358848
ORBICOM.NET Jakarta Barat (021) 3161678
PRO.NET Bandung (022) 4218585
UII.NET Yogyakarta (0274) 555888
NANGURA.NET Makasar (0411) 855028
KABELVISION.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 5278811
MEGHANTARA.NET Jakarta Timur (021) 6328880
NAP.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 2528888
QITA.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 5202434
TERAS.NET Bandung (022) 4207738
CHOICE.NET Jakarta Utara (021) 45845560
BOLEH.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 5269559
CITRA.NET Jogyakarta (0274) 554444
STARCALL.NET Jakarta Pusat (021) 3913388
BLUELINE.NET Kuta - Bali (0361) 769355
CEPAT.NET Jakarta (021) 3157533
MDP.NET Palembang (0711) 313626
MELESAT.NET Jakarta (021) 3929925
EAZY.NET Bandung (022) 7230819
TELKOMVISION.NETJakarta (021) 2525789
ANGKASA.NET Jakarta (021) 5202876
INOVA.NET Jakarta Utara (021) 65302867
NAPSINDO.NET Jakarta (021) 5209202
CYBER - ISP.NET Jakarta (021) 52961388
GERBANG.NET Jakarta (021) 52963750
JOS.NET Jakarta (021) 6332727
ICONPLN.NET Jakarta (021) 5253019
IPTEK.NET Jakarta (021) 3168701
KS.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 7269450
INTERNUX.NET Makasar (0411) 834690
OLAMI.NET Gorontalo (0435) 830349
GPN.NET Jakarta (021) 52900688
DTP.NET Surabaya (031) 5344861
INDIKA.NET Jakarta (021) 24507777
CORBEC.NET Jakarta (021) 39833773
JASATEL.NET Jakarta (021) 5208987
QUASAR.NET Bandung (022) 7302188
JOGJAMEDIA.NET Yogyakarta (0274) 544000
CSM Jakarta (021) 5700194
SCBD.NET Jakarta (021) 5150000
BROADBAND.NET Jakarta (021) 4752876
ASIAKOM.NET Jakarta (021) 31903456
THAMRIN.NET Jakarta (021) 5269308
GEN.NET Jakarta (021) 5266222
JAVA.NET Jakarta (021) 83706163
FIRSTASIA.NET Jakarta (021) 5325757
TOGLOBE.NET Bandung (022) 4262075
EZ.NET Jakarta Barat (021) 56967390
TOP.NET Jakarta (021) 3912277
LC.NET Jogjakarta (0274) 481010
VIP.NET Jakarta Selatan (021) 83700579
ENCIETY.NET Surabaya (031) 5491229
PADI.NET Surabaya (031) 5616330
KAWANUANET.NET Manado (0431) 862500
THC.NET Jakarta (021) 5208325
DHECYBER.NET Jakarta (021) 5275682
SATNETCOM Balikpapan (0542) 875570

Wah Ternyata cukup banyak juga yah ISP di indonesia tetapi tetap 12 isp diatas tadi yang mendominasi dikarenakan kekuatannya yang powerfull karena yang punya juga adalah PT sekelas TBK he2,cukup hebat kekuatan isp di indonesia , sekian sharing info dari saya bilamana terdapat penulisan kata yang dirasa kurang lengkap atau salah mohon maaf sebesar - besarnya,sekian wasalam


Site Contents

This page lists the full contents of the site, accessible by chapter through the following list:

The Internet

Internet History
How The Internet Works
Internet Use
Advanced Internet Use
Key Internet Features
Internet Security
Internet Help
More Internet Information

World Wide Web

Web History
How The Web Works
How To Use The Web
Advanced Web Use
Key Web Features
  • Ease Of Use
  • Universal Access
  • Search Capabilities

Web Security Issues
  • IP Address Confidentiality
  • Cookies
  • Configuration
  • Previous Address
  • Next Address

Web Help
More Web Information

Electronic Mail (Email)

Email History
How Email Works
Email Use
Advanced Email Use
Key Email Features
Email Security Issues

  • Confidentiality

Email Help
More Email Information

Usenet Newsgroups

How Usenet Newsgroups Work
How To Use Usenet Newsgroups
Advanced Usenet Newsgroups Use
Key Usenet Newsgroups Features
  • Group Communications
  • Common Space
Usenet Newsgroups Security
  • Confidentiality
  • Spammers

Usenet Newsgroups Help
  • Invalid Username Or Password
  • Server Connection
  • Attachments

More Usenet Newsgroups Information

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

IRC History
How IRC Works
Advanced IRC Use
Key IRC Features
IRC Security
IRC Help
More IRC Information

Multi-User Dungeons (MUD's)

MUD History
How MUD's Work
How To Use A MUD
Advanced MUD Use
Key MUD Features
  • Virtual Space
  • Extensibility
MUD Security
  • Confidentiality
  • Harassment
MUD Help
  • Help Command
  • Network Lag
More MUD Information

Mailing Lists

Advanced Use

Key Features
More Information.

Daftar Command untuk CMD.EXE

Bagi penyayang Jendela (windows), Command Prompt alias cmd.exe adalah salah satu rool yang banyak menolong pengguna dalam mengoperasikan windows. Berikut ini adalah daftar perintah (command) dalam mengoperasikan cmd.exe.
ADDUSERS – Memasukkan/ menambah user ke/dari file CSV.
ARP – Address Resolution Protocol
ASSOC Change – file extension associations
ASSOCIAT – One step file association
AT Schedule – Perintah untuk membuat shedule program (utk dijalankan kemudian waktu)
ATTRIB – Mengganti atribut file
BOOTCFG – Edit boot setting windows
BROWSTAT – Mencari info domain,browser dan PDC
CACLS – Mengganti/mengubah file permissions
CALL – Memanggil sebuah program batch
CD – Memindahkan ke sebuah folder tertentu.
CHANGE – Mengubah Properties pada Terminal Server
CHKDSK – Memeriksa dan memperbaiki file system
CHKNTFS – Memeriksa NTFS file system
CHOICE – Menerima input keyboard ke dalam sebuah batch file
CIPHER – Encrypt-Decrypt files/folders
CleanMgr – Membersihkan secara otomatis Temporary files, recycle bin
CLEARMEM – Membersihkan memory
CLIP – meng-Copy STDIN ke Windows clipboard.
CLS – Membersihkan layar CMD
CLUSTER – Windows Clustering
CMD – Membuka layar CMD/ command prompt
COLOR – Mengganti warna pada window CMD
COMP – Membandingkan isi dari 2 atau lebih file
COMPACT – kompres file/folder di dalam partisi NTFS
COMPRESS – kompres file individu di dalam partisi NTFS
CON2PRT – Connect atau disconnect sebuah Printer
CONVERT – Convert FAT drive menjadi NTFS.
COPY – Copy 1 atau lebih file ke lokasi tertentu
CSVDE – Import/Export Active Directory data
DATE – Menampilkan/mengatur tanggal
Dcomcnfg – DCOM Configuration Utility
DEFRAG – Defragment hard drive
DEL – Menghapus 1 atau lebih file
DELPROF – Menghapus User Profile NT
DELTREE – Menghapus sebuah folder beserta subfolder
DevCon – Device Manager Command Line Utility
DIR – Menampilkan daftar file/folder dari sebuah drive
DIRUSE – Menampilkan disk usage/kapasitas disk
DISKCOMP – Membandingkan isi dari 2 buah floppy disk
DISKCOPY – Copy isi dari sebuah floppy disk ke floppy disk lainnya
DNSSTAT – DNS Statistics
DOSKEY – Mengedit command line,recall commands,dan create macros
DSADD – Menambah user (computer, group..) ke dalam active directory
DSQUERY – Menambah item ke dalam active directory
DSMOD – Modify user (computer, group..) di dalam active directory
ECHO – Menampilkan message pada monitor
ERASE – Menghapus satu atau lebih file
EXIT – keluar dari window CMD
EXPAND – Uncompress file
EXTRACT – Uncompress CAB files
FC – Membandingkan 2 buah file
FDISK – Disk Format dan partition
FIND – Mencari sebuah text string di dalam sebuah file
FINDSTR – Mencari strings di dalam files
FOR /F -Loop command: untuk beberapa files sekaligus
FOR – Loop command: all options Files, Directory, List
FORFILES – Batch process multiple files
FORMAT – Memformat sebuah disk
FREEDISK – Menampilkan free disk space (dalam bytes)
FSUTIL – File and Volume utilities
FTP – File Transfer Protocol
FTYPE – Menampilkan/mengubah file types yg digunakan dalam file extension
GLOBAL – Menampilkan daftar anggota dalam global groups
GOTO – Mengarahkan sebuah program batch untuk melompat ke labelled line
HELP – Online Help
HFNETCHK – Network Security Hotfix Checker
IF – Conditionally perform a command (perintah bersyarat)
IPCONFIG – Configure IP
KILL – Menghapus program dari memory
LABEL – Memberi/mengubah label disk
LOCAL – Menampilkan daftar anggota local groups
LOGEVENT – Menulis text ke dalam NT event viewer.
LOGOFF – Keluar dari system / Mengeluarkan user dari system
LOGTIME – mencatat tanggal dan waktu dalam sebuah file
MAPISEND – Mengirim e-mail dari command line
MEM – Menampilkan memory usage
MD – Create new folders
MODE – Configure a system device
MOUNTVOL – Mengatur Mount point dalam sebuah volume
MOVE – Memindahkan file dari sebuah folder ke folder lain
MOVEUSER – Menindahkan user dari sebuah domain ke domain lain
MSG – Mengirim message
MSIEXEC – Microsoft Windows Installer
MSINFO – Windows NT diagnostics
MSTSC – Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)
MUNGE – Mencari dan Menganti text di dalam sebuah file (find & replace)
MV – Meng-copy file yang sedang/sementara digunakan
NET – Mengatur network resources
NETDOM – Domain Manager
NETSH – Configure network protocols
NETSVC – Command-line Service Controller
NBTSTAT – Menampilkan networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
NETSTAT – Menampilkan networking statistics (TCP/IP)
NOW – Menampilkan current Date and Time
NSLOOKUP – Name server lookup
NTBACKUP – Backup folders
NTRIGHTS – Edit user account rights (wilayah akses yg diizinkan oleh admin)
PATH – Menampilkan atau mengatur search path untuk executable files
PATHPING – Melacak route plus network latency dan packet loss
PAUSE – Menahan proses sebuah batch file and menampilkan message
PERMS – Menampilkan permissions (wilayah akses) user
PERFMON – Performance Monitor
PING – Menguji (test) network connection
POPD – Restore previous value dari sebuah directory yang di-save oleh PUSHD
PORTQRY – Menampilkan status ports dan service
PRINT – Print text file
PRNCNFG – Menampilkan, mengatur, atau mengubah nama printer
PRNMNGR – Menampilkan, menghapus, atau menambah daftar printer; set default printer
PROMPT – Mengubah command prompt
PsExec – Menjalankan proses jarak jauh (remote)
PsFile – Menunjukkan file2 yang dibuka dari jarak jauh
PsGetSid – Menampilkan SID sebuah computer atau user
PsInfo – Menampilkan informasi dari sebuah system
PsKill – Menghentikan proses melalui process ID
PsList – Menampilkan detail informasi dari sebuah proses
PsLoggedOn – Who’s logged on (mengecek secara lokal atau melalui resource sharing)
PsLogList – Event log records
PsPasswd – Mengubah account password
PsService – Menampilkan dan mengubah services
PsShutdown – Shutdown atau reboot computer
PsSuspend – Suspend/menahan proces
PUSHD – Menyimpan/Save dan mengganti current directory
QGREP – Mencari kata/kalimat di dalam file yg sesuai dgn pola/line yg ditentukan.
RASDIAL – Mengatur RAS connections
RASPHONE – Mengatur RAS connections
RECOVER – Memulihkan/Recover damaged file dari sebuah disk defective (rusak).
REG – Membaca, mengatur, atau menghapus registry keys dan values
REGEDIT – Mengimport/mengeksport registry settings
REGSVR32 – Register/unregister file DLL atau ocx
REGINI – Mengubah Registry Permissions
REM – Merekam/mencatat comments (remarks) di dalam sebuah batch file
REN – mengubah nama file
REPLACE – Mengganti/Replace atau meng-update sebuah file dengan file line
RD – Delete folder
RDISK – Create Recovery Disk
RMTSHARE – Share folder atau printer
ROUTE – Memanipulasi network routing tables
RUNAS – Menjalankan sebuah program dgn menggunakan user account lain.
RUNDLL32 – Menjalankan sebuah DLL command (add/remove print connections)
SC – Service Control
SCHTASKS – Create or Edit Scheduled Tasks
SCLIST – Display NT Services
ScriptIt – Control GUI applications
SET – Display, set, atau remove environment variables
SETX – Set environment variables secara permanent
SHARE – Mendaftar atau edit sebuah file share atau print share
SHORTCUT – Create windows shortcut (.LNK file)
SHOWGRPS – Menampilkan daftar NT Workgroups atau user yang telah joined
SHOWMBRS – Menampilkan daftar Users yg merupakan member dari sebuah Workgroup
SHUTDOWN – Shutdown computer
SLEEP – Menunggu selama beberapa saat
SOON – Menjadwal(schedule) sebuah command untuk beberapa waktu kemudian
SORT – Sort input
START – membuka sebuah window baru, untuk menjalankan program atau command tertentu
SU – Switch User
SUBINACL – Edit file & folder Permissions, Ownership serta Domain
SUBST – Menyesuaikan sebuah path dengan drive letter
SYSTEMINFO – Menampilkan daftar system configuration
TASKLIST – Menampilkan daftar aplikasi dan service yang sedang berjalan
TIME – Menampilkan atau mengubah waktu pada system
TIMEOUT – Delay processing sebuah batch file
TITLE – Menentukan judul window untuk sebuah session CMD.EXE
TOUCH – mengubah timestamps sebuah file
TRACERT – Melacak route ke sebuah remote host
TREE – Tampilan grafis dari struktur folder
TYPE – Menampilkan isi dari sebuah text file
USRSTAT – Menampilkan daftar domain usernames dan last login
VER – Menampilkan version information
VERIFY – Memeriksa apakah files telah ter-save
VOL – Menampilkan disk label
WHERE – Mencari dan menampilkan files di dalam sebuah directory tree
WHOAMI – Menampilkan current UserName dan current domain
WINDIFF – Membandingkan isi dari dua atau lebih file.
WINMSD – Windows system diagnostics
WINMSDP – Windows system diagnostics II
WMIC – WMI Commands
XCACLS – Mengubah file permissions (hak akses)
XCOPY – Copy files dan folders

Ping Command

Among the various measurement packages is the original PING (Packet InterNet Groper) program used over the last six years for numerous tests and measurements of the Internet system and its client nets. This program contains facilities to send various kinds of probe packets, including ICMP Echo messages, process the reply and record elapsed times and other information in a data file, as well as produce real-time snapshot histograms and traces.
- Mills, D. L; "Internet Delay Experiments"; RFC 889; Dec 1983.
This program is intended for use in network testing, measurement and management. It should be used primarily for manual fault isolation. Because of the load it could impose on the network, it is unwise to use ping during normal operations or from automated scripts...
- Muuss, Mike; Ping source code comments; 7 August 1992.
The Internet Ping command bounces a small packet off a domain or IP address to test network communications, and then tells how long the packet took to make the round trip. The Ping command is one of the most commonly used utilities on the Internet by both people and automated programs for conducting the most basic network test: can your computer reach another computer on the network, and if so how long does it take?
Every second of the day there are untold millions of pings flashing back and forth between computers on the Internet like a continuous shower of electronic neural sparks. The following subsections provide information on how Ping was inventedhow Ping workshow to use PingPing web sites, and info on the original Unix Ping version.
How Ping was invented. The original PING command stood for "Packet Internet Groper", and was a package of diagnostic utilities used by DARPA personnel to test the performance of the ARPANET. However, the modern Internet Ping command refers to a program was written by Mike Muuss in December, 1983, which has since become one of the most versatile and widely used diagnostic tools on the Internet. Muuss named his program after the sonar sounds used for echo-location by submarines and bats; just like in old movies about submarines, sonar probes do sound something like a metallic "ping".
How Ping works. The Internet Ping program works much like a sonar echo-location, sending a small packet of information containing an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to a specified computer, which then sends an ECHO_REPLY packet in return. The IP address is set by convention to always indicate your own computer. Therefore, a ping to that address will always ping yourself and the delay should be very short. This provides the most basic test of your local communications.
How to use Ping. You can use the Ping command to perform several useful Internet network diagnostic tests, such as the following:
  • Access. You can use Ping to see if you can reach another computer. If you can't ping a site at all, but you can ping other sites, then it's a pretty good sign that your Internet network is fine and that site is down. On the other hand, if you can't ping any site, then likely your entire network connection is down -- try rebooting.
  • Time & distance. You can use the Ping command to determine how long it takes to bounce a packet off of another site, which tells you its Internet distance in network terms. For example, a website hosted on your neighbor's computer next door with a different Internet service provider might go through more routers and be farther away in network distance than a site on the other side of the ocean with a direct connection to the Internet backbone.

    If a site seems slow, you can compare ping distances to other Internet sites to determine whether it is the site, the network, or your system that is slow. You can also compare ping times to get an idea of which sites have the fastest network access and would be most efficient for downloading, chat, and other applications.
  • Domain IP address. You can use the Ping command to probe either a domain name or an IP address. If you ping a domain name, it helpfully displays the corresponding IP address in the response.
You can run the ping command on a Windows computer by opening an MSDOS window and then typing "ping" followed by the domain name or IP address of the computer you wish to ping. You can list the available options for the Windows ping command with "ping -?".
Windows Internet Ping Command
Online ping. If you can't use the Ping command from your own computer because of a firewall or other restriction, or want to do an Internet ping from another location than your own, you can use one of the following websites that offer online ping services:
Remember when doing an online ping that the packets are sent from that website, so the times that are returned reflect the path from that location and not from your computer. Nevertheless, a ping from an online website can be useful to test if an address can be reached from different places around the Internet, to do comparative timing to test how long it takes to reach one site compared to others.
If the times returned by several online ping sites to an Internet address are consistently long, then the destination site's network is likely having problems. On the other hand, if you can ping an address from an online ping site but not from your own computer, then there is likely some block in your network preventing you from communicating with that site.
Unix version. Muuss originally created the ping command for theUnix system, with the options summarized below:
ping [-q] [-v] [-R] [-c Count] [-i Wait] [-s PacketSize] Host
ping -c countping -c 10
Specify the number of echo requests to send.
Ping -dping -d
Set the SO_DEBUG option.
Ping -fping -f
Flood ping. Sends another echo request immediately after receiving a reply to the last one. Only the super-user can use this option.
Ping hostping
Specify the host name (or IP address) of computer to ping
ping -i waitping -i 2
Wait time. The number of seconds to wait between each ping
ping -l preloadping -l 4
Sends "preload" packets one after another.
Ping -nping -n
Numeric output, without host to symbolic name lookup.
Ping -p patternping -p ff00
Ping Pattern. The example sends two bytes, one filled with ones, and one with zeros.
Ping -qping -q
Quiet output. Only summary lines at startup and completion
ping -rping -r
Direct Ping. Send to a host directly, without using routing tables. Returns an error if the host is not on a directly attached network.
Ping -RPing -R
Record Route. Turns on route recording for the Echo Request packets, and display the route buffer on returned packets (ignored by many routers).
ping -s PacketSizeping -s 10
Sets the packet size in number of bytes, which will result in a total packet size of PacketSize plus 8 extra bytes for the ICMP header
ping -vping -v
Verbose Output. Lists individual ICMP packets, as well as Echo Responses